Information About the 2018 Award

Quality Award "Path to Excellence"

       The Quality Award "Path to Excellence" has been held since 2018 by the Ministry of Education and Science in collaboration with the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education"EdNet". This event is regularly conducted every two years and is aimed at fostering a culture of quality within the education system.

        The main goal of the award is to promote the principles of both external and internal quality assurance systems, support independent accreditation, identify and encourage the best practices of higher educational institutions, as well as to disseminate successful experiences within the national higher education system.

        During the accreditation process, experts and members of the Accreditation Council observed many outstanding educational practices. These ranged from innovative teaching methodologies and significant scientific achievements to practice-oriented programs, student-centered approaches, adherence to academic integrity principles, and commitment to professionalism.

       To spread this valuable experience and inspire other institutions, the decision was made to establish the Quality Award "Path to Excellence".

       To date, the award has been held twice, with a brief hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, more than 25 educational programs from over 10 universities in the country have been recognized as laureates.

The award winners share their experiences and achievements, inspiring partner universities to implement the best educational practices.