“Quality education for sustainable development through ICT approaches in Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan”

Project “Quality education for sustainable development through ICT approaches in Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan”.
The Agency for Quality Assurance in Education EdNet, on the basis of competition, signed a contract for the implementation of the project "Quality Education for Sustainable Development through ICT Approaches in Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan", implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in partnership with the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education " EdNet” supported by UNESCO Almaty and funded by the Government of Estonia.
Project goal: to improve access to education and improve its quality through the use of ICT by providing digital content on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), promoting interactive learning and professional development of teachers in the field of ESD and ICT in education. The following activities were carried out within the framework of the project:
Formation of a group of national experts.
Refinement of training materials taking into account the target group of students.
Conducting a training seminar for the methodologists of the district/city organization, and trainers of RIPKi PPR, KAO.
Surveying teachers who have completed training on ESD for 2020, 2021
Holding a round table.
Conducting consultations for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic with international experts from Estonia.
Preparation of a map of educational projects in school education
According to Order No. 1598/1 dated September 28, 2021, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic identified methodologists from district and city departments of education to participate in the training seminar, as well as representatives of the KAO and RIPK, and PPR provided their lists for participation in the training. The training seminar itself was held from October 11-21, 2021. in two languages: Russian and Kyrgyz.
On November 11, 2021, a round table "The state and prospects for the development of digital solutions in the school education system of the Kyrgyz Republic" was held as part of the project. The round table was attended by international experts from Estonia, representatives of international organizations, the private sector, and school principals with experience in developing and implementing digital solutions in education management.
The main purpose of the round table was to collect and summarize experience, examples, and plans for the development of IT solutions for the national school system to jointly plan and coordinate joint actions to finance and develop domestic IT products for use by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and schools throughout the country. In addition, IT experts from Estonia were specially invited to present their experience in their country. Based on the results of the round table, elements for the development of digital educational products that require special attention were identified and further steps and directions for coordinating actions for the digitalization of the education system in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Also, within the framework of the project, a consultation meeting was held at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, which was attended by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, Head of the Digital Transformation Sector of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, Executive Director of the EdNet Agency and international experts from Estonia. The event was organized to exchange experience in improving the efficiency of the education management information system. Following the meeting, the parties presented the educational information system of their countries and their positive aspects, in addition, the parties agreed to continue the exchange of experience in the field of education.