

The Agency for Quality Assurance in Education "EdNet" was officially registered on June 22, 2012, to improve the internal and external quality assurance system and promote a culture of quality through independent accreditation of educational programs of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic, and was the result of the CANQA project - Creation Central Asian Network for Quality Assurance within the framework of the Tempus program, which was implemented from 2009-2012. 


Preparations for the opening of the agency have been carried out since 2009, and during this period the experience of foreign countries was studied, based on which a methodology for assessing the quality of programs based on European standards and requirements (ESG) was developed. When evaluating the quality of training programs, the Agency adheres to the following principles:  

    • Openness 
    • Transparency
    • Professionalism 
    • Objectivity 
    • Estimation Depths 

Training of specialists for work in the agency was carried out for 4 years together with specialists from the Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Romania, and France, which contributes to a professional and objective assessment of the quality of training programs. 


Today EdNet Agency is: 


        • A unique experience in adapting standards and procedures for accreditation and piloting universities within the framework of independent accreditation; 
        • A professional database of experts on accreditation and quality assurance systems who have undergone special training; 
        • Author's methodologies and tools for assessing the quality of the higher education system in Kyrgyzstan; 
        • Strong international relations with foreign accreditation agencies and partners. 

The EdNet Agency has developed an expert training program that takes into account the experience of international countries in training experts and is aimed not only at raising awareness about accreditation and assessment methods, but also at developing certain knowledge and skills of future experts in the analysis and evaluation of the quality of education. In addition, over 4 years of work on the preparation and conduct of accreditation, the EdNet Agency has formed a significant and professional methodological base on internal and external assessment of the quality of education, which allows for diagnostics, analysis, and implementation of internal quality assurance systems in universities. 


The EdNet agency is actively working with universities to diagnose the internal quality assurance system, organize work, and train high-quality specialists, which makes it possible to prepare educational institutions for independent accreditation. The work is carried out both among the rectors and among the administrative and teaching staff. 

 To evaluate curricula, the Agency involves experts in quality assurance and the content of curricula in areas, representatives of the employer and student community to the expert commission, thereby providing a more complete and comprehensive assessment of the quality of programs available to a wide range of society.