Goals and objectives
The main objective of EdNet is to contribute and promote the improvement of the performance of all levels of education institutions and their study programmes and to guarantee the fulfilment of the basic requirements for their official and international recognition through diversity, equity, and inclusion. Besides EdNet performs its activities for the benefits of whole education system of the Kyrgyz Republic considering higher, vocational and secondary education with particular emphasis to assessment in higher education, activating participation of employers and students’ community and the public in general in the development of education system.
This objective is pursued through the assessment procedures, accreditation and other activities carried out by the Agency and the promotion of an internal quality assurance culture, ethical practices and integrity in decision-making, academic quality, improvement accountability, and needed flexibility and innovations within education institutions or programs and a society as a whole.
The specific objectives of EdNet are, therefore:
• To assist in the formation and development of a national system of internal and external quality assurance in education and a national accreditation system pursuing international practice and standards;
• To continuously improve approaches for quality assessment of the performance of all levels of education institutions and their study programmes;
• To promote the quality culture, academic quality, improvement and accountability in education system and increase public awareness about this aspect;
• To conduct the accreditation of study programmes and institutions by ensuring impartial, objective, transparent and high level of professionalism in assessing quality and promoting ethical practices and integrity in decision-making for accreditation issues;
• To encourage needed flexibility, the use of innovation in the educational process and scientific research as well as in the management of the educational organization itself;
• To involve and promote participation of employers, students and public in general in the development of qualitative education system.