"Education for sustainable development in the period up to 2030"


Country Initiative Education for Sustainable Development 2030

The Agency for Quality Assurance in Education EdNet, on the basis of competition, signed a contract for the implementation of the country initiative "Education for Sustainable Development in the period up to 2030" in the period from June to October 2021, implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic with the support of UNESCO Almaty and financed by the Japan Trust Fund (JFIT).

 The goal of the project is to expand the geography and coverage of the use of ESD in schools through the professional development of teachers in the field of ESD to help improve the quality of education in schools and transfer the values ​​of sustainable development to the younger generation. The following activities were carried out within the framework of the project:

Formation of a group of national experts.

Refinement of training materials based on previous experience.

Conducting a training seminar for teachers.

Conducting a competition among teachers of pilot schools.

Development of a video in Kyrgyz and Russian languages.

Conducting an online meeting on the results of the country initiative.

These events were held from June to October 2021. and main results:

Trained teachers on the development of intersectoral competencies in students through the use of ICT.

Developed video in Russian and Kyrgyz languages.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic identified 15 schools and 4 methodologists to participate in the country's initiative. A training seminar was held for teachers of these schools and methodologists.

At the end of the training seminar, all participants of the training had to spend at least 1 lesson and 1 class hour in grades 5-6 with the inclusion of ESD materials. All teachers who participated in the training seminar received certificates that they had completed the training and had the opportunity to take part in the competition "Results of the implementation of education for sustainable development (ESD)".

To motivate and stimulate teachers, a competition Results in the implementation of education for sustainable development (ESD) was held. Competitors had to spend at least 1 lesson and 1 class hour in the classroom with the inclusion of ESD materials. A total of 19 videos were received from 11 schools:

8 works from teachers from the Russian-teaching group

11 works from teachers from the group with the Kyrgyz language of instruction

It was difficult to choose the winners, however, according to the results of the competition, 4 best works were determined.

Kurmanalieva Albina Zhyldyzbekovna – teacher of computer science, Kushchubaev Secondary School, Talas region.

Rakhmatulina Aiperi Jalilovna - teacher of the Kyrgyz language, Kushchubaev Secondary School, Talas region.

Torogulova Gulbara Arapovna - teacher of Russian language and literature, Innovative school-gymnasium No. 30 named after Olmaskan Atabekova, Jalal-Abad region.

Tazhikulova Damira Kamalovna - teacher of the Kyrgyz language, Innovative school-gymnasium No. 30 named after Olmaskan Atabekova, Jalal-Abad region

The winners of the competition will receive a certificate, cash prizes, and a badge confirming that they have joined the global community of teachers to advance education for sustainable development.