Research component under the Sector Development Project: Strengthening the Education System


Research component under the Sector Development Project: Strengthening the Education System, ADB

From 2016 to 2020, EdNet, in a consortium with Erfolg Consult and the Foundation for the Support of Educational Initiatives within the framework of the six-year Sector Development Project: Strengthening the Education System, funded by the Asian Development Bank, implemented a project to conduct 14 studies in the field of school education and the effectiveness of the functioning of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. This program was aimed at reforming school education through: (i) improving the quality of standards and teaching materials; (ii) improving the quality of teachers' work and improving the system of professional development of teachers; (iii) expanding access to quality education through 30 innovative schools located in all regions of the country; (iv) improving sector management.

All studies carried out were focused on supporting reforms in the education sector, the results of which were used and can be further used by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in the political decision-making process, in achieving strategic goals in the SRO 2020 or the SRO 2040 project to increase the potential of employees of the education system. The research was carried out on the following topics:

  1. Baseline survey on student and teacher performance in 30 innovative schools (2016)
  2. Baseline Study on the Implementation of a Textbook Rental Scheme (2016)
  3. Textbook Distribution Study (2017)
  4. Research on graduates of the Centers for Continuing Education and the Kyrgyz Academy of Education (2017)
  5. The current system of remuneration in school education in Kyrgyzstan as a factor in motivating the improvement of teacher pedagogical practice (2018)
  6. Review of experience with the voucher system for financing teacher training and cost-effectiveness analysis (2018)
  7. School Assessment Review (2018)
  8. Review of trends in the development of school education in accordance with the requirements of the international student assessment (PISA): conclusions and recommendations for participation in the assessment in 2024 (2019)
  9. Study on data on student attendance, retention and transfer in schools in Kyrgyzstan (2018)
  10. Study of the effectiveness and quality of the system of training and retraining / advanced training of school education system workers (management personnel of educational institutions (directors and head teachers), heads of school methodological associations, heads of district educational organizations, methodologists of the district level) (2019)
  11. Analysis of additional sources of funding in the school education system (2020)
  12. Conducting a functional analysis of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and its regional divisions (2020)
  13. Mid-term study of the quality of student learning and teacher performance in 30 innovative schools (2020) - continuation of study # 1.
  14. Baseline Study on the Implementation of a Textbook Rental Scheme in Schools (2020) - Continuation of Study # 2.

 The reports of all studies can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education following the link: