"Ensuring quality assurance and accreditation of online programs in Kyrgyzstan"


"We are building tomorrow"!

It is under this slogan that we are starting the implementation of the project “Ensuring quality assurance and accreditation of online programs in Kyrgyzstan” with the support of the World Association of Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education INQAAHE.

Project Objective: To ensure quality control of online learning programs by building a culture of quality in e-learning as part of the accreditation process.

The main objectives of the project are:

1. Improvement of internal documents for accreditation of online programs of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic;

2. Training of agency specialists in terms of preparing for accreditation using technologies for remote access to resources and online conferences without visiting a university;

3. Prepare recommendations for universities on building an internal quality assurance system for online programs.

The main results of the project:

1. Modernized NPB (regulatory framework) in terms of online accreditation of SP with online learning. This, in turn, will help the agency conduct objective and high-quality online accreditation at universities and improve the quality of EPs of universities with the specified form of study, as well as clearly understand all the rules and procedures of this form of accreditation in accreditation agencies and universities.

2. Increase the capacity of local experts and university professors to ensure the quality of education through ICT.

3. Recommendations for universities to prepare for the accreditation of their online programs for distribution to all interested parties and build an internal quality assurance system for online education.

Today, the practice of implementing online programs is not widespread in the universities of Kyrgyzstan, however, we are sure that in the near future online programs will become part of our reality. As part of the project, we will work throughout the year on the legislative and methodological bases for the creation and implementation of such programs; we will study in detail the issue of introducing a quality assurance system, as well as develop detailed instructions for the accreditation of programs that are fully implemented online. All work will be accompanied by a study of the best international practices on this issue, for which the best international experts in the field of education quality will be involved.

It is important to emphasize that the success of the project depends not only on the experts directly involved in its implementation, but also on every employee of educational organizations in our country. It will be critical for us to hear your comments and assessments in the course of activities, because this project concerns all of us. We will be very grateful for your responsiveness and readiness to take an active part in the planned events. We promise that it will be a useful experience for each person involved in the project, a teacher or a member of the administrative and managerial staff of universities.

At the end of the project, the Agency's experts will develop recommendations for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in terms of changing the legislation and universities of the country on the issue of introducing an internal quality assurance system in programs that we will only have to implement.

We will notify you about all the news on our Facebook page and on our website.

Stay with us!