"Integrating sustainable development into the education system of Kyrgyzstan and strengthening international cooperation"


In the period from April 2022 to June 2023, the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education "EdNet" will implement the project "Integrating sustainable development into the education system of Kyrgyzstan and strengthening international cooperation in the subregion of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan)" with the support of UNESCO and the Government of Estonia.

The goal of the project is to promote the improvement of the quality of education in schools by improving access to information through the use of ICT, access and active learning, and professional development of teachers in the field of education for sustainable development in order to form intersectoral competencies among students.

The project will contribute in the long term to such changes as:

1. Improving the quality of education, which will be aimed at forming a new generation of students with a set of skills and knowledge about a sustainable lifestyle, which will contribute to the sustainable development of the country.

2. Improving the competencies of teachers in the use of ICT and active learning methods in the teaching process to form learning outcomes about sustainable development (demography, health, culture, media literacy, solving environmental problems, etc.) among students.

3. Changing the content and methods of teaching, which will allow students to develop intersectoral competencies and flexible skills, which will help prepare them for real life.

4. Scaling up the practice of using modern educational resources (including ICT) in education in the Kyrgyz Republic.

5. Changing the attitude of students to the world and global problems.

6. Changing and expanding the understanding of “quality of education” in the Kyrgyz Republic, as a term that covers, among other things, education for a sustainable lifestyle, human rights, gender equality, world citizenship, etc.

7. Strengthening the importance and role of ESD in the development of the young generation throughout the Central Asian region.